What Are You Worth?

What Are You Worth?
If you were to put a dollar amount on your character, gifts, abilities, and accomplishments, how much are you worth? You are valuable, do you see it? Our society highly values money and those who to know what to do with it. I have been reminded a lot lately of my value. Not how much I have in the bank, or a highly envied instagram lifestyle, but the value in who I am, my gifts, abilities, and accomplishments.
 I was raised to have false humility, the playing down of everything good, trying to convince everyone I am lesser than, and over time I began to believe I wasn’t worth much. I wasn’t worth taking care of. I wasn’t worth investing in. I wasn’t worth celebrating. I wasn’t worth having big dreams that could never come true, because I’m not worthy of such lofty things. What a heap of lies, and they got to me, they get to all of us. 
 My challenge to you today is to sit for 10 minutes with your journal, notes on your phone, or another way to write out how much you are worth based on who you are, your gifts, abilities, and accomplishments. Read it out loud a couple times. Do you notice the lies get quieter? Are you overwhelmed by how amazing you are? Do you want to scratch something off the list because you question if you are worthy? Don’t let the lies win! Review this list as often as you need to remember you are worth so much, and are growing into even more.

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