Northern Lights Black Spruce

Northern Lights Black Spruce
Northern Lights Black Spruce (NLBS) is grown and harvested in Canada. It comes from a long history of Lakota Indians who would use spruce to strengthen their ability to commune with the Great Spirit. While it supports bodily health in a variety of ways, the reason I share about it this week is because of its ability to ground one emotionally, helping to release emotional blocks. Our souls, our very BE-ings need to be grounded, and touching nature. The smell of this oil takes me deep into the woods, and into the safety there, where I process my self and all that is going on consciously and subconsciously. It reminds me of camping out under the stars. It reminds me that I am small, but important in this big world. It also reminds me that I’d rather be hiking... but then, doesn’t everything? 

Cypress Essential Oil

Cypress Essential Oil
Cypress Essential Oil is one of my favorites. You may already know that I love to hike, so having a woodsy oil is very refreshing to me when I cannot get to the mountains. I find it to be calming and grounding in a similar way to how unplugging and getting into nature calms and grounds me. In these long days where I am often at home I am thankful that I can diffuse an oil that makes my space feel fresh and grounded, and where I can feel calm. Some times I put a drop over my heart to feel connected to nature, even though I’m stuck inside, and my heart loves it! 
  Drop me any questions below! Love Cypress? How do you use it?