Soothe My Muscle!

Soothe My Muscle!
Panaway has been a game changer for me. I have old sports injuries that love to remind me that they happened, panaway soothes them. After a long and strenuous hike, I recover with a little panaway. It smells minty and is cool on the skin. I put a little carrier oil in the small bottle that came in my starter kit and put a roller top on it. How long it lasts depends on how active I am! Over the past 10 months I’ve refinished 7 pieces of furniture, mostly by hand, and there have been many nights when my back has needed this soothing oil blend. 
  Want to know more about these helpful plant juices? You can contact me through the link at the bottom of the page.

For those curious about my refinished furniture, here is my most recent project:

Outta Whack!

Outta Whack!

Yesterday I was sitting at a traffic light and watched as a pedestrian shuffle through a crosswalk and I thought “he isn’t walking well, like he‘s outta whack or something.” 

  I’ve been there, we all have, when our bodies are out of alignment, our joints are hurting, old injuries remind us they happened... we are misaligned. Sometimes its more mental though, we know our thinking is close to where we need it to be, but its just far enough off that we know we are misaligned with our self. I seek relief at the chiropractor for my body’s misalignment, and in the insight of a wise friend for mental relief. But how do I keep from getting misaligned so quickly?

  One way I keep my body aligned longer is through yoga. Our bodies require movement, and yoga is a great way to move, loosen up muscles and joints, and mentally re-center oneself. While this practice comes out of an ancient religion, it has become modernized and the science on it shows that not only are the movements helpful, but the breathing is even more so. 

  Another practice I am particularly fond of is walking or hiking. Once the body has been put back in alignment it is so important to strengthen the muscles that keep our bodies aligned. It’s also super important to move! The other great advantage of walking/hiking is the time and space we need to get back into mental alignment. Clearing our minds. Breathing deeply. Changing our heart rates. All important for keeping our self in balance. 

  So, how will you realign this week?

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