Change Your World

Change Your World
When I think about some of my favorite memories I am reminded that serving others is such an important part of life. I have so many wonderful memories of serving others, sometimes openly in a group activity, sometimes quietly like giving a stranger a ride. People often say they want to leave the world a better place, but their actions don’t show it. So how can you improve your life, and the world, through service?
 If you are one of the many who are completely overwhelmed by life and cannot imagine squeezing in another thing, then you are probably about to skip the rest of this blog, but wait! Before you go, pause a moment and look at your weekly schedule and ask yourself "who am I serving every day?" 
 The truth is mom's serve their families first. This is a beautiful and necessary thing. As a mom you have a lot of opportunities through out the day and week to serve your friends and their kids as well by encouraging them, car pooling, and providing an hour of child care so your friend can breathe a little. Remember that service doesn't have to be a grand gesture. It can be as simple as taking the time to listen to someone who needs a listening ear, or sending a kind text message to a friend. By making service a part of your daily life, you can improve the lives of others and make the world a better place, one small act at a time.
 Maybe you have wanted to do more, but cannot figure out where to start, I suggest taking a moment to listen to your heart. Serving from the heart can be so rewarding. If you see a need and cannot figure out how to meet it. Look around your community, what are the local churches doing? Can you join them? Is there something more calling you? Take the time to listen to it, to understand what you are being called to do, and then learn how to. get it done. 
 Service is such a beautiful part of life, don't miss it because you think you can't. Recognize the small moments where you can quietly serve another, as well as the big opportunities. Living life to the full requires sharing life! I want to hear how you serve your world, go ahead and share in the comments below! 

If you are looking for more ideas on how to live intentionally follow me on Instagram @DeborahSpragueOfficial