Time Out!!

Time Out!!

  I love snow! I know, soooo many people hate it. But its so beautiful, peaceful, quiet, calming. My favorite is watching those giant flakes float gently to the ground, watching it centers me, brings me peace, and helps me feel grounded. But snow interrupts. It doesn’t matter if you live somewhere that gets a lot or a little, it always disrupts the flow of modern life because we need to move! We need to be places: work, school, the gym, the grocery store, wherever. And snow interrupts the ability to move freely. We are forced to pause and deal with it. 

  Isn’t that life though? We keep moving, filling our lives with more and more and more until something comes along and forces us to deal with all that we are running from. A friend recently shared a post on instagram that said “Sit with it. instead of drinking it away, smoking it away, sleeping it away, eating it away, or running from it ... sit with it. Healing happens by feeling.” (Original post by @twinflame.connections on Instagram, Jan 23, 2021) This is what snow does, it creates the image of a soft, quiet, pure world that forces us to pause in it. So lets pause together. Take a deep breath, in and out, again slowly. 

 Embrace this moment to pause.

 Let the chaos stop.

 Stop numbing yourself for a moment.

 Feel it.

  Feel it.

   Feel it?

The process of feeling and releasing pain is such a brutal and beautiful process. Mental and emotional injury is much like physical injury, when we neglect to have a sprained joint, or broken bone, attended to in a timely fashion the problem gets much worse. But because the physical symptoms of our mental/emo injury, or pain, are easy to deny, we neglect them, self medicate them, try to out run them. Which works for a little while, but eventually later arrives and with it the consequences of our neglected pain. This is why we need snow days to force us to pause, change rhythm, and release. And probably a little bit of why so many people hate them.

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