The Greatest Limit

The Greatest Limit
 I am one to push myself hard and far, to the end of my limits and then some if I can! But there is one limit that I cannot push, and that is time. June is a difficult month for me as I have lost a lot of people very dear to me during June. I also have a lot of friends, and family, who were born in June. Life and death remembered all at once is the most real aspect of living, because they do go hand in hand. The longer I live the more aware I am that I don’t know how much time I have, and therefore I need to use it well.
 I hate feeling like I’m wasting time. There are hours that I know I have wasted, and I have to be honest about that. And then there are the hours, days, weeks, or even seasons that feel wasted, only to look back later to see that they were not. I believe that I am exactly where I need to be, learning and growing as I am able to, and I need grace for this journey. I also have to be real about procrastination and wasting time. 
 Because the days turn so quickly into years, it is so important to live intentionally every day. Knowing what you want out of life, breaking that down into attainable goals, and taking a step each and every day is the best way I know how to reach those life goals, regardless of how big they are. To dream so big that you have to grow to reach it means taking one, or two, intentional steps every day so that when you get there you are the person you want to be, living the life you want, and being how you want to be remembered. 
 Tell me below what big goal you have, and one step you will take today so that I can cheer you on.