
When was the last time you unplugged for a day without anxiety or fear of what you may be missing out on? Does it feel like the catching up afterwards makes it not worth it? Don’t believe that lie! 
  Studies continue to show how important it is for our mental health that we step away from technology, and into nature. It is healing to our minds to wiggle our toes in the sand, or dirt, or to walk though a creek. When we unplug, we breathe deeply and choose to be present in nature, its like a mental reset. We can let go. We can let in. 
 When the noise we hear is the gentle breeze, or the birds calling, or the waves lapping, the anxiety drops. We instinctively know that its ok to calm down and relax. Its like we are made to enjoy nature, to delight in it, and to let it refresh us.
  You may have 1000 reasons of why you “can’t” get out into nature crashing through your mind right now, and if you think you can’t, then you are right. But what if you can? Where do your feet want to wander? Where does your mind seek calm? What brings you back to life, from the inside out? How soon can you go?
 Comment below and tell me of your adventures, I delight in hearing about them!

Life is Breath.

Life is Breath.
We breathe and don’t think about it, until we have trouble breathing. Right now we are in a heightened awareness about breath, between Covid19 and ”I can’t breathe,” we are becoming more aware of the ways we breathe beyond our lungs. I’m not going to get into those topics on this blog, because this is a moment for you. This is your space of grace, to honor Who you are, and Who you are becoming. When you have fed your Body, Mind, and Soul, then you’ll have the capacity to engage with the overwhelming world.
  Self Care is all about the intentional actions we take every day to care for our Body, Mind, and Spirit. To either Feed our Self, or to Release from our Self. 
 We feed nutrients into our bodies, and release their energy.
 We feed information into our minds, and release their thoughts and behaviors.
 We feed beauty into our spirit, and release the ugly that scarred us. 
 When we think of Self Care, it is often focused on the feeding. Which makes sense, because by the time we realize our need for care we are often burnt out and depleted. But our Selves can only take in so much before they must release. When you feed your body sleep, you need movement to release it. When you feed your mind information, you need a place to process it out. When you feed your spirit beauty, you need a place for the ugly to go. When you take in, you also must let go.
 For the next 24 hours, how will you intentionally receive? How will you intentionally release?