Summer Refresh!

Summer Refresh!
  I have some clients who have done so much work, reached so many goals, that they only check in with me from time to time when they need an outside perspective, some encouragement, and the reminder of how far they have come. I am always happy to hear how they are doing, and to celebrate their wins, so I happily receive these calls. 
 The reality of life is that we get so caught up in our own minds, and all that is normal about our own experiences that we need to check in with someone periodically to make sure we are on the right path. After making some serious changes to our perspective and world, we need someone to remind us that we are on the right path because it feels wrong and abnormal. 
 This is also why we need encouragement, we need to be celebrated for continuing the change. It is super easy to slip back into old habits and ways, while not as easy to recalibrate our lives and maintain the new normal. Initially the new normal feels weird, it takes time to feel comfortable there, so when you are making new choices in a new normal, it takes encouragement to believe in your ability to do new things.
 Which is why I love it when these clients who have “graduated” coaching call me back for a brief check up. I get to see how far they have come, how much self confidence they have developed, and how much of what we worked through is continually applied in their lives. I have to celebrate their work, growth, and journey! I even celebrate that they have reached a place where all they need is a brief check up! 
 Coaching is such an amazing way to take your life to the level you have been longing for. One where you thrive; are safe; have relationships that feed you as well as be fed by you; and where you are growing into the goals and life you were made for! It is so easy to look at where you are now and give up on yourself, but you don’t have to. You can become the person you were made to be, and not just the product of whatever happened to you. As a coach, this is what I do, and I look forward to helping you! You can schedule a free, 30 min sample session here.

If you aren’t ready for coaching, but are you looking for a free community where you can ask questions, learn, and grow as a person, then check out my community group.

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice
Happy Summer Solstice! As we approach the end of June I am, again, amazed at how quickly time has gone! Half the year has already passed and I am looking at my goals for the year and checking my progress. How about you, are you making progress? 
I was reminded this week that if you never have time for what matters, you never will. It is not about time, it is about intention and priority. You can put stuff off for later, just know that later always comes. With this in mind, Summer Solstice is the perfect time to pause and take account of what I intend to do, what I am prioritizing, and what I am expected to do. 
 Expectations are what others put upon us, and we let them. I am expected to enjoy summer to the full. I am expected to work a job pays bills, even if it's unfulfilling. I am expected to take a vacation and put it all over Insta. I am expected to put everyone before me to the detriment of my health. But what if I don't want these things? What if I don't intend to fulfill the expectations of others?
 What I intend to do comes out of who I am and what matters most to me and where my heart beats. It doesn't fulfill anyone's expectations but my own. I intend to do a lot of things, and I look forward to enjoying them, but I don't necessarily have time in one day to do all of them so I have to prioritize my to do list. 
 Prioritizing is the wonderful, beautiful skill of putting into order all that I intend to do! Prioritizing my to do list requires figuring out what matters most, and what needs to be done in the short term, and then identifying the order in which I am going to complete all that I intend. I will have time for these tasks because I am making time for them by setting the intention and prioritizing. I look forward to where I will be come Labor Day! Where will you be? Tell me below! 

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Lessons from Cinderella

Lessons from Cinderella
I got thinking about Cinderella this week and it struck me that like so many things in life, her choices could have been different, and they would have ended quite differently. Here are three different scenarios and potential outcomes that really struck me:
 1. Cinderella could have chosen to be happy that she was invited to the ball, but set no intention of going. She would have been happy, but not much would have changed in her life. Everyone around her would continue treating her poorly, in fact, they would probably treat her worse because she complied with their desires and aligned with their beliefs about who she is and why she wasn't worthy of going to the ball. 
 2. Cinderella could have gone to the ball, but played a wall flower, just happy to be there, but not dance or anything, just enjoy her night out as a small win, all the while getting home long before pumpkin time.  
 3. Cinderella is a rags to riches story, as long as you don't read the Grimm version! But it is more than that. Yes, there is the benefit of a Fairy Godmother, but roll with me a minute as I break this down and get back to the reality that Cinderella could have just been happy, instead she chose to change her life. 
  This fairy tale is of a woman who knows her value, she knows she is worth more than the abuse that she receives, but she hasn't realized the power she has to get out, so she complies with her abusers to attempt to go to a ball that could change her life. But like all abusers the step mother has to keep control, so oh darn Cindy, you aren't ready to go on time! You did it to yourself and now you can't go and its your own fault even though I took advantage of your helpfulness. Like so many victims Cindy cries out in her pain and frustration, and is, dramatically, heard by her fairy godmother, who could have given the answers presented above, instead she chooses to help Cinderella change her own life.  
 Let's talk for a moment about what would of happened if FGM showed up and told Cindy that she can choose her own happiness and should be thankful that she was invited, even though she was unable to go. We all know a thankful heart is a happy heart! Besides, Cindy has a roof over her head, a room with a fireplace to keep her warm, and she keeps busy helping with the family. Through her tears Cindy would come around to a thankful heart, but a piece of her would die. She would believe, more than she already did, that she deserved the abuse she received, and she did not deserve anything more. And she would stop trying to get free, and die young from the exhaustion of her life.
  Cinderella could have taken FGM up on the whole going to the ball, but be back on time thing, choosing only to eat a little, enjoy the sights, and be a wallflower at the ball, returning home early and not risking pumpkin life! This would have been a small win, nothing wrong with those! Reminding Cindy that she is worthy to be treated as well as all the other ladies of the kingdom, but only if she plays by the rules and has her FGM help her when she can no longer help herself. It may be enough to help energize her to change her circumstances a little, but over time it would all fade and she would go back to her life as it was, with the fading memory of a beautiful evening to cherish in her heart.
  Neither of these would be a great story, and truly we are only interested in great stories! So here is Cindy, a gal who let her FGM change her life. She took the opportunity to dance with the prince and let her true self show when it really mattered, and when he came for her she welcomed him! There are two perspectives on opportunity: that it is a magical moment that may or may not arrive, or it is a series of choices that brings one to a place of big opportunity and big choices. Most of us don't have the time or safety net to wait on FGM to magically appear. However the universal truth is that opportunity comes from the choices we make and that many people have well-meaning intentions, but they don't fully understand that we are writing GREAT STORIES, they don't understand that our unhappiness is simply that we are made for more and the more we work for our purpose the happier we become. I don't believe that happiness is the purpose of life, but it is a nice part of it! (that's a different blog entry.) Discomfort isn't the worst either, it teaches us a lot about ourselves, and great stories always overcome challenges. And that is why this is a great story, sure Cindy needed help from a friend to do it, but she could have let this opportunity be a nice night, instead she let it change her life. What before you will change your life, and how are you choosing  it?

There is No January Magic,

There is No January Magic,

The first of the year is a great moment to check your goals, much like a mile marker or intersection, where are you? Are you on the way? Did you complete some goals and are therefore ready for new ones? The first of every month is a also a great time to visit and revisit these questions. So why all the January hype? I suppose it goes back to advertisers trying to make a dollar, which in modern times means hype across social media about a new year and a new me! 

  Maybe I’m cheap, but I don’t buy it. Humans are not Amazon Prime, a new us doesn’t arrive in 2-4 days! (That was a great meme I saw recently.) The experts say it takes 14 days of consistency to form a habit. This doesn’t magically happen when we wake up. Nor is there some magic energy that propels us to success. We know this. So why do we buy the hype? The Diets. The gym memberships? Dry January? Why? Because it is an easy starting point. And everyone else is, so why not maximize the camaraderie? So here we are, 7 whole days into the new year, how are those goals? How much are you shaming your self for your inability to overhaul your life in 7 days?  ... yeah, that’s what I thought.

 Let me be clear: guilt and shame do NOT bring successful change. They bring anxiety, frustration, pain, compliance, and more guilt and shame, but not successful change. And there is absolutely nothing about January that will magically change that. So, how can you change how you approach change? Here are my 4 tips!

 1. Set SMART goals. Simple, measurable, attainable, reasonable, time sensitive goals. Start small and simple. You didn’t arrive here in one month did you? Ok, so why fix it all in one! Take those big goals and break them down. 

 2. Good, better, best. When setting reasonable and attainable goals we have to be honest about what is a good enough result, what is a better result, and what is the best result? Attaining a good result is just as worthy of celebration as attaining your best result. Honor and celebrate your success as you go, then you’ll want to create more!

  3. Have a shame buddy. You know that person in your life who is brutally honest, they love you enough to call you out? Them! Tell them how you are shaming you for not achieving your goals and let them truth those lies right outta ya! Then celebrate your success and ability to stick out your plans when it gets rough. The hardest part is in your head!

  4. “Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it.” - Anne of Green Gables. Receive grace my friend. You can only do your best today, and some days feel ruined before they start. That’s ok, do your best and tomorrow make better/different choices. A practice I am still learning to implement is when today goes off the rails, make choices in the evening to set tomorrow up to be better. While being fully present helps one delight in life, it is also wise to look at the bigger picture, what residue remains from yesterday? What does tomorrow hold? What needs to be done now to put today to rest, and prepare me for tomorrow?

 January holds no magic. Life won’t be different in February unless you make one consistent choice every day. And you DO have all the magic you need in your self, so set some goals and enjoy the process of achieving them, you amazing achiever you! 

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The Accomplishments of 2020!

The Accomplishments of 2020!

I have a huge personal goal that I won’t achieve this year. I grieve that I won’t, and I accept that I am not giving up on it until I do achieve it. Because of this it is so easy for me to want to decide that 2020 was a failure. But in pausing to do the work of honestly assessing my year I realize the opposite is true, 2020 held much growth for me, opportunities unforeseen, and some personal work that I didn’t realize was needed. Over a medium such as this I want to lightly celebrate that I got to hike more this year than a “normal” year would of allowed. But let’s get real, I preach that self care can heal, that it propels us into presenting who we really are to the world, and affords us what we need to live our best lives! I want you to know that I practice what I preach, so here goes, this year I cared for my self in mind, body, and soul in these ways:

 First I prioritized sleep and water, without enough of each the brain struggles to function, the body struggles, and there is no capacity for soul care. In life first things must come first, this lesson has been repeated for me throughout this whole year. In getting enough sleep, and in drinking enough water, I’ve noticed improvements in mood; ability to focus; weight management; recovery from exercise; consistent energy levels; increased initiative and follow through; and the surprising winner, increased upholding of my own boundaries! What? I know, sounds so weird, but if I’m going to put me to sleep in time I must turn off first. So I reinforced some boundaries around texting, streaming, and social media while establishing a nighttime routine that fits who I am now and what I need to get to sleep on time. 

 Second, I prioritized journaling. What did I have to journal about in 2020? A lot! As part of my boundaries I have been learning what needs to be processed privately in a journal, and what needs to be processed with friends. Because of the change in how we connect in 2020 I found it increasingly easy to just talk to friends over one medium or another. The problem is that my private struggles were getting left all over the place, but in taking the time to put them in my journal, to process thoroughly before discussing with a friend, not only did I benefit from the personal growth, I could then decide how to present myself in this new knowledge to said friend and keep friend time for friend stuff, not just me stuff! 

 Third, I admitted and began to work on my food habits. I don’t eat as consistently or as nutritiously as needed and my body pays for it. Food is so good! It cares for us like only food can! And in addressing my bad food habits I discovered a lot about other bad habits that I’ve developed! Sure I use really good supplements to support where modern food falls short, but they cannot make up for a lack of food, a lack of calories, or a lack of overall nutrients. It is easy to write a resolution of losing 20lbs and judging ones success based on a number. It is far more difficult to look at ones knowledge and behaviors and make changes accordingly. I would love to tell you that I hit my weight loss goals, but I didn’t. Instead I discovered that my bad foods habits spill over into all areas of my life and those need to be addressed too. Like I said, I did a lot of unexpected personal work this year!

 Which brings me to my fourth, and final, work of self care that has brought such a change in me this year: addressing my worthiness. Through many conversations I’ve discovered most folks don’t feel worthy to care for themselves, for whatever reason they have come to believe this. I am no different. I’ve spent a lot of this year challenging these beliefs, and learning to replace the behaviors learned from them. What this looks like is me asking why I think that I’m not worthy of sleep, and instead of working hard to prove myself and losing sleep, I choose to be worthy of care and put me to sleep. Small changes that have increased my confidence, health, and mental and spiritual well-being, creating a much bigger overall change.

 Please don’t write off 2020 as a failure. Pause, do the work, and agree with me and Manchester Orchestra: “Let me open my eyes and be glad that I got here.” - The Silence

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