Time to Mind.
One of my quarantine shows has been “The Mentalist” and there was a great quote in the last episode I watched: “Being understood is an underrated pleasure.” 
  Being understood is imperative for mental health. So is understanding and listening to ourselves. Listening to your mental and emotional needs requires a different process than listening to your body. Mental and emotional needs manifest like tension, or brain fog, or feeling overwhelmed, or the intense feeling of one or two emotions, or a dozen other ways. When you start to notice these signs, what do you do? We all have default ways to care for our selves, be it sleep, talking with a friend, reading a book, taking a walk, doing yoga, journaling, or many other ways. But how do you intentionally care for your mind? 
  This week I challenge you to make the time to sit with your self and listen to your mind to identify the habits that bring mental relief, and to schedule those actions 2-3 times this week. Take a mental break, the world won’t mind! 


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