Finishing This Season Well

 On my to do list for November I wrote “last 2 months of the year” as a reminder to revisit my goals for this year and to check my alignment with where I want to be when this year ends. I realize that because of how 2020 has gone this may feel futile, but it’s even more important to adjust ones alignment now, before the year crashes to an end. (I mean, does any one expect 2020 to end smoothly?) I was encouraged to complete this task while watching a vlog the other night. The vlogger spoke of how a decade ago she was so depressed and therefore had created a fantasy world to escape into, when she realized what she had done she started to make the changes necessary to live in a place where she felt alive, where she would be surrounded by the environment she needed to thrive, she created her lifestyle to support who she is, mind, body, soul! And she is now so alive! 

  What is so significant about this? Because our reality right now seems so bleak, we need the reminder that we do have control over our own lives and outcomes. We are the gatekeepers of what comes into our homes, the food we put in our mouths, and over our schedules. Over the years so many clients have said to me “I can’t make that change because...” which is an excuse, choosing to be victim to ones own choices. The reality is that humans don’t make a change until it is more uncomfortable to stay the same. We can assess our values, and see what in our lives aligns with them. But until we start making the intentional choice to embrace what we want and stop settling on the status quo, we will remain in conflict with ourselves, enduring extra stress, and playing victim to our own choices. I do this too, and I can tell you it’s not easy to see it, to call myself on it, and to make the new choices. It is easier to stay in the sameness. But it’s always worth it.

    What new choice do you want to make about:

  • What your daily schedule looks like? 
  • What goes into your mouth?
  • What comes out of your mouth?
  • What social media you consume?
  • What shows/movies you consume?
  • What books you are, or are not, reading?
  • What environment you live in? (Yes, cleaning your house is self care!)
  • What you do to relax?
  • what you do to feed your soul?

Self care is about creating a life you actually want to live, not escape from. I look forward to hearing about your success with these small choices, and how they change your life! So leave a comment, or email me, change is easier with support. 


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