A Broken Path
One of the great lessons on my healing journey has been to realize that even though the pain from a prolonged struggle means that I am able to handle far more than I’ll let on, I don’t have to. I don’t have to continue to put myself into situations of intense stress and anxiety; verbal abuse; or worse. If I find myself in that kind of environment, I have permission to get out, and so do you. 
 It is difficult to heal in the place that wounded you. It is even more difficult to heal in a place that continues to reinjure you. Having walked along side abuse survivors I have observed time and again how they get out of horrific abuse, and find themselves in another abusive situation to a lesser degree. This is often repeated until they can get to a place that is more healthy than abusive. (Lets be real, in this world it is very difficult to get away from people who are all too happy to get ahead at whatever it costs everyone else as long as they are fine.) Where ever you are on your journey, don’t give up! Here are a couple thoughts on moving forward:
  Remember that you are exactly where you need to be on your journey! However you got here is a path uniquely yours, and you have made it! Gold Star!!! ⭐️ Celebrate the progress you have made because you’ve made it! You have done the hard work, made the tough choices, walked away from those whom seek to harm you, and have worked to create a safe environment for yourself. You have released volumes of emotions via tears, screaming, and maybe even punching even if it was just the air. And you have made it here. Do not compare your journey to anyone else, for yours is yours alone, and theirs is theirs. 
  Don’t stay here! Take the step in front of you, and don’t worry about the whole road. It is so easy to get caught up in where we want to be that we neglect what needs to be done here and now to get us there. Don’t worry about the next mile, focus on the step in front of you and the work to be done here. If you are feeling stuck reach out for help. You’ve got this.

You may be wondering how a life coach can help, quite simply I help you embrace the true you and to move forward to your goals, working through all that trips you up and holds you back so that you can continue to heal and live life to the fullest. If you want to see for yourself how this works click here to schedule your free 30 minute sample session.

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