Why Are We Surprised?
We’ve heard all of the cliches: “You are what you eat.”  “No pain no gain.”  “You are 70% water, so you need to drink more water.”  “Calories in, calories out.” 
  We know that cliches and stereotypes start in some place of fact, and then get watered down to sweeping generalizations. When it comes to body care there are so many quips and cliches, a million experts, and a colorful array of opposing advice. But one fact remains: cheap products equal cheap results. So why are we surprised when our bodies behave cheaply? 
  The price of food seems to always be going up! There is always some new, magical, super food to improve our functioning. And fad diets to not only help us loose weight, but improve our health and mental functioning. But the struggles remain: the back/joint pain; the stomach problems; the weight; the brain fog. It feels like we have to make huge sacrifices and budgetary adjustments to make it all work, and maybe we do.
  Its well known that where our time, money, and energy go, that is what matters to us. So why are we surprised that our bodies behave like they don’t matter as much to us as _____. I’m not saying your body needs to be number one in your priorities. But you only get one, and while parts can be replaced, the whole needs to be cared for like it is valued and worthy, because you are worthy, and you need to value your health. If you put cheap food in, you get cheap results. If you use cheap skin care, you get cheap results. If you cheapen sleep, you get cheap results. If you cheapen exercise, your body looks and feels cheap and you begin to feel unworthy of looking and feeling good. I’m not suggesting we all become “gym rats,” but if you are what you value, and you value your body, then you need to consider the food and supplements you put in your body, you need to consider how you release energy (exercise), and you need to consider what you put on your skin. Because cheap is cheap, and you are valuable.


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