It’s Time to Stop Starving!

This week has been full of conversations with the downtrodden. Folks so thoroughly discouraged that they don’t even have the energy to decide to give up. I have spoken to the broken and depressed; those too anxious to move; and those who were raised to believe that doing something to move themselves forward is crazy and shouldn’t be attempted. While I continue to be amazed at the lies and limitations I believe for myself. I find that it is far easier to see them in someone else, and to help these folks reframe them into positives. And the one common denominator in all of us is a lack of truth. 

  As I listened to each of these sweet souls I heard one after the other reflect my own struggle to hear and know the truth. Truth became relative years ago and now we use superlatives and “literally” incorrectly to attempt to make our honest point, where it used to be just the plain old truth. With relative truth it becomes more difficult to discern out the lies. As those lies choke out the truth, our souls begin to starve. When our souls are starving for truth a variety of things can happen, from stress and anxiety, to feeling like we have lost our way, to feeling hopeless in all our endeavors. We feel passion and fear simultaneously and it causes us to panic. Those feelings are conflicting, an inner conflict that is exposing a whole storm beneath the surface. 

  The good news is that you are not crazy! You are just starving. It’s time to feed your soul! One obvious way is through your religious practice. But there are other ways to silence the lies and embrace the truth. One of my favorites is sitting with a wise friend and sharing what is on my mind. Getting that sage feedback, helping me sort out my thoughts and beliefs about something is so powerful in changing not only my mindset, but how I am presenting my self. Our thoughts become words and actions and our behavior is always telling of that which is below the surface. Other ways to feed your soul are: to get out into nature; to be intimate with your person; to take a journey; to be creative; to enjoy the creative works of others; to pause to breathe and journal and to feel safe in the moment; and more. (Feel free to add your favorite soul feeding activity in the comments.) 

  In our rapidly changing world we need to remember that we are worthy of taking care of us, feeding our souls, making new choices, and having new adventures. So, how will you feed your soul today?

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