Stop Failing Your Goals
 Have you ever set goals for yourself and wondered why you aren’t making the progress you want? I have! What I learned is that reaching the goal is not always as important as the lessons that I learn along the way. Have you heard the saying “set goals so big that you have to grow to reach them”? If your goal were so easy to achieve, then you wouldn’t be growing, so lets talk about why you are stuck.
  One reason you think that you are stuck is because you aren’t looking at the growth you have had along the way. It is easy to look at what you lack and to think “I’m a failure.” The reality of deciding that you cannot is that you are right! But what have you actually done? How much progress have you made? Don’t get caught up in completing your goal, celebrate every step along the way!
 Or is your reason for being stuck something deeper? What do you believe about you? Why don’t you deserve this goal? I have found myself there, believing what I’m working towards will never be since there isn’t enough for me. There is no point in wasting time and energy if I won’t succeed so I’m going to believe that I cannot make it no matter what I do, and just sit here miserably in mediocrity. No one changes their life without the discomfort of growth, loss, and the unknown. 
 The work of today is to identify the journey you are on, the small goals of today, and this week; and then the big goal that you are growing into. To name the discomfort you are feeling and acknowledging that you want to take the easiest path around it instead of walking with it a while. And to form a support system, do you have someone to hold you accountable? To cheer you on when you make those small goals? Or are you struggling in silence, waiting to reveal the end result? Don’t do this alone! As a coach helping you achieve your goals is what I do, I can show you how with in 30 minutes, sign up for free here!

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