It is time to take a break.
As I set up at a cafe to write I overheard a lady say “we need a break from the summer!” There is so much truth in those words! As wonderful as summer is, the change of pace, the social demands, this idea that we need to get as much out of these long hot days as possible … its exhausting! September means back to school, back to routine, different social obligations, cultural and family obligations… It begins to weigh heavy that we don’t get a break, so we have to make one before we break. 
 Everyone I know is going through something difficult right now. The weight is too much for us to each to carry, so we rely on each other for support. It is a beautiful practice really, but for many of us we need to lay our burdens down and take a break. I can hear your objections already! But… but… but! Here is what I say to all of your objections: You need a break, so schedule one before you are broken. For every 5 people I know going through a difficult seasons, 1 of them has said “It is time to pause.” And then they define what that looks like. Might be as simple as turning off their phone/gadgets for the afternoon, getting outside, and letting their thoughts clear. Might be more complicated: taking 3 months to move across the country and settle in before finding a job and resuming all of the pressures of life. Most of us can’t do that, nor do we need to, but for many of us a weekend unplugged would do a world of good. Don’t think about all that won’t get done while you are gone. Don’t think about how “behind” you’ll be, because you are the only one who is judging your self for that. It is time to vacate! You may have traveled all summer, but did you really get to breathe? Decompress? Process? Restore? Heal? No! Then TAKE A BREAK and seek out those things! Doesn’t have to be a long break, just an intentional one.


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