Hacking Self Care in 5 Minutes
Every time I talk to someone about self care I hear a dozen excuses about not having money for a spa day, or time for the gym, or the time and money for a vacation. I understand this lack, so let's talk about practical, daily, self care. Self care is saying I am worthy of being cared for. Read this again out loud: I am worthy of being cared for. Repeat as needed.

As this truth sinks in consider what this looks like in every day life. If I am worthy of being cared for, then I am worthy of:
Moving my body.
Vacating my every day life to restore myself.
Receiving respect from my friends, family, and partner.
Exploring new ideas, hobbies, interests, and activities.
Working towards my goals, professional and personal.
Living life to the full!

So how do you begin to care for you?
 First: Find 2-3 tasks that you do every day that show you that you care for you. These can be as basic as getting enough sleep, taking your high quality supplements, and eating well. Thank your self for doing these things.
 Second: Look at the list above and pick 3 areas where you would like to focus on growing in care. Then pick 1 task for each area that you will be intentional about implementing this week. Write them down.
 Third: Acknowledge the hesitations, fears, and beliefs you have about the tasks you wrote down. Say them out loud to release them. Will any of these concerns keep you from doing these caring tasks? Are you finding that you believe you aren’t worthy of being cared for? Or are you recognizing that if you don’t care for you then you won’t have any care to give? 
 Fourth: Seek help where you need it. Maybe you need to set a boundary with a friend. Maybe you need to communicate with your partner about your needs. Maybe you need a coach, like myself, to walk with you through these overwhelming feelings that are keeping you from caring for you. You are worth it, so ask! 

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Looking to care for you by improving your environment with non-toxic cleaning products? Or to support your mental health with essential oils? I recommend clicking here and learning more

Looking for regular content? Check me out on Instagram @DeborahSpragueOfficial 

I want to hear what way are you going to care for you this week, share below!


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