Living a Purposeful Life (Part 3)
 This is the final installment in this series on living a purposeful life. And it is time to celebrate! That’s right, you’ve been doing some hard work and I want to celebrate your wins. But I also want to celebrate with you the work you did before you got here. You’ve been at this a while, and it is good to recognize the progress you’ve had! When you look back to where you began, what did you look like? What did your daily life look like? What did it feel like?
 A few months ago I felt so weighed down by everything that was happening in my life, I was grieving and exhausted. I didn’t know how I was going to make life work. So I took it one day at a time, one step, one struggle. Looking back I rejoice in how far I’ve come, and I can appreciate the struggle that I had. Everyone has platitudes for life’s struggles, but I prefer to look at the facts, we don’t grow unless we process our experience and learn from them. This is why it is so important to pause and celebrate how far we’ve come, and how much we’ve learned! 
 Part of celebration is thankfulness, and we know that a thankful heart carries more joy, peace, and contentment. One of the most difficult lessons is to be content with how you handle a bad situation or painful season. You don’t have to handle it perfectly, or be oddly happy about it, that’s not contentment. To be content is to weigh out how you handled it, grow where you need to grow, and to accept that while bad things happen, they don’t have to define you, what defines you is your character, and people who are content are generally more happy and at peace. So go ahead and put your wins in the comments below and know that I wish you joy, thankfulness, and contentment in the celebration of your progress! 

Want to celebrate with someone? Helping you live your purpose and celebrate your victory is what I do, so check here for a time for your free 30 minute sample session so that you can see how journeying with me will help you. 

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