How to Nourish Your Self by Dieting.

Over the past week I’ve had at least 3 conversations about dieting, which is something that I refuse to do. I’m old enough to have seen diet fads come, go, and come back again. And I refuse to rearrange my life, and my kitchen, for a month to lose 10lbs, only to then realize how unsustainable it is and go back to eating the way I eat, and gain all the weight back. In fact, the word “diet” means “the way you eat” so the statement “I’m going on a diet” is redundant because it means “I’m going on the way I eat.” So I guess I lied, I do diet, ALL THE TIME because I keep going on the way I eat.

  The thing about the way we eat is that it is not always nourishing, and we know it. But feeding ourselves is not just about the food we put into our bodies. Its about what we feed our minds through what we watch, listen to, and read. It’s about how we care for our souls. When we consume too much fear our body stresses out, and eating food becomes challenging because either we can’t, or we want all the comfort and none of the nutrition! The body is so wholly interconnected that it is imperative that we are aware of all that we feed our bodies: mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. 

  So as you pause here to think about your diet, the way you feed your self, lets move past the debate over which carbs are evil, and move onto what actually matters: EVERYTHING that you feed your self impacts your whole being. 

Read that again.

As you pause too asses your diet, take the time to ask yourself the following: 

 What are you feeding on right now? 

 What is your energy source?

 What is actually nourishing to your whole being? 

 What is one intentional change you can make to nourish you every day this week? 

If you are going to keep going on the way you are eating, will you end up where you want to be? Remember that it is the little steps that will get you there and identifying them is the first of those steps. Want to learn how life coaching can help you with this? Email me through the link at the bottom of the page.

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Image from Pixabay, by silviarita.


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